Penultimate in a sentence as a noun

Microsoft word on a macbook, and your penultimate version of a file is not backed up.

Your penultimate statement is that "women are people" which is followed by the "The old ways were awful.

IA writer, paper, penultimate, infinity blade, just off the top of my head.

Now put back the penultimate group, and because the most recent arrivals are now also doing behaviour X ....Problems:1.

I can make the letters look great together with the first letter, which results in nearly a full letter's worth of space between the penultimate letter and the last.

Penultimate in a sentence as an adjective

It's just that sometimes the penultimate "iteration" involves shutting the old thing down and starting something new.

"So while the author is right about potential dangers mentioned in the penultimate paragraph, it's been more than a decade and those fears haven't really materialized.

But compared to the common practices of the penultimate decade, XP and Agile at least acknowledged that failure was the default mode of software development projects, and made contingency plans for it.

The two atomic matrices combine kinetically to move in the direction of overall force...To add to your penultimate sentence: "Reality has fractal inordinate complexity".

They have a native app for every mobile and computer platform, along with web, plugins for every major browser, and then the other apps - skitch, penultimate, clearly, hello, etc...It truly is in the face of the "do one thing and do it well" mindset that many other companies subscribe to.

Penultimate definitions


the next to last syllable in a word

See also: penult penultima


next to the last; "the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter"; "the figures in the next-to-last column"

See also: next-to-last