Peace in a sentence as a noun

I'm so sorry to hear this and hope that Ilya's family and friends somehow find peace.

Some may find the list of people who can nominate someone for the Nobel peace prize interesting.

Mandela reminds us that it's possible for a single man to create peace amidst a huge push for war.

Probably a disturbing the peace ticket, unsure if the soon to be ex-wifey had a restraining order or not at that time.

" When you can get to that stage and say, "no regrets" for a life well-led, you can have peace with your finite capacities and your finite existence in this world.

Litigation is frustrating beyond belief and one has to be almost insane to step gratuitously into it: it is costly, slow, unpredictable, and it is guaranteed only of one thing, to rob you of your peace of mind as you endure the process.

To maintain a few perks, they will let the Tories destroy centuries of civilisation - the Vienna Convention is a cornerstone of international relations, and hence, of world peace; threatening it over a silly man is just irresponsible.

I think now the United States is much more interested in information openness as a means to make sure that countries all around the world trade peacefully rather than waging war one one another, and I think that is the only long-term way to defeat terrorist networks.

Peace definitions


the state prevailing during the absence of war


harmonious relations; freedom from disputes; "the roommates lived in peace together"


the absence of mental stress or anxiety

See also: peacefulness repose serenity heartsease ataraxis


the general security of public places; "he was arrested for disturbing the peace"


a treaty to cease hostilities; "peace came on November 11th"

See also: pacification