Patrimonial in a sentence as an adjective

The patrimonial rights can be transferred in Europe too that's clearly what you do when you make the transfer of copyright in US.

Piketty observes that the rise of the monthly wage was essential to the rise of what he calls the "patrimonial middle class".

And transfer of copyright/"patrimonial rights" is one of them, there are many way to exercise your rights as a free software author.

It might also have cost a bit of money, going to mistresses and bastards, for wealthy male adulterers, but it didn't affect patrimonial rights.

It seems patrimonial on my part to think that I'm better equipped to judge how a society on the other side of the world functions than the people that actually live there.

What Piketty refers to as the "patrimonial middle class" has significant assets during and at the end of their life, but still needs to sell their labor to pay their bills.

They even strip you from your moral and patrimonial rights on any of your inventions in exchange for some ridiculous equities that give them fiscal advantages.

In the French droit d’auteur, you have a separation of "moral rights" – including who is granted to publish your work in which context – and "patrimonial rights" – how monetization of the work is managed.

It's because of rentier/patrimonial-capitalism, opportunity not being equally distributed in the system, etc.

Relying exclusively on familial and patrimonial ties for socializing is incredibly limiting.

Piketty need not wait for the return of patrimonial capitalism for democratic and meritocratic institutions to be undermined by elite economic interests: that ostrich has already taken off, that horse has bolted, that rising tsunami has already smashed all boats.

Patrimonial definitions


inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"

See also: ancestral hereditary transmissible