Ancestral in a sentence as an adjective

And a tribe of Scots were forced from their ancestral home ... in modern day Ireland.

Do the Chinese have an ancestral taboo about our product?

Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral menu.

The only other way I know is to go back and find the ancestral species, and try to breed a fertile banana cousin.

It's interesting to see a very x86_64-like attempt to shake off the weirdness of the ancestral architecture here.

In the ancestral environment, violence was the main cause of death you could do something about and cars didn't exist.

I'm just curious if you truly believe people are guilty by racial association or only by ancestral association.

The branching in characteristics reflects the actual ancestry of the animals, and so two sets characteristics will tend to reveal the same ancestral branching pattern.

I think the OP forgot one: the potential for a zero-day vulnerability that hits all current browsers, because they're all descended from a single ancestral code base, and a C++ one at that.

The politics are approximately as follows:The tribes are given enormous legal latitude and power on the basis that they are residing on their ancestral lands since the beginning of time.

"What we have gained in efficiency and by avoiding the overuse of scarce and potentially environmentally damaging inputs, we may be losing in the connections of the farm family to the ancestral place.

If it's a tradeoff, call it a tradeoff--you are not losing environmental savings by losing the "connection of the farm family to the ancestral place", you are trading something sentimental for direct benefits to the environment and cheaper food.

Ancestral definitions


inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"

See also: hereditary patrimonial transmissible


of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor