Pathogenesis in a sentence as a noun

Well, ****, we can always invent pathogenesis in a pinch as a certain kind of shark in a zoo has done.

At dose low enough to trigger a response hopefully not enough to cause pathogenesis.

The pathogenesis of prostate cancer may not be representative of other cancers.

To begin with, the etiology and pathogenesis of autism are still far from fully understood.

Potential role of orexin and sleep modulation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

I'm not sure what's to be gained, either in terms of our understanding of pathogenesis or in treatment, by distinguishing these conditions from a hypothetically healthier population.

In a review of ketamine-induced vesicopathy[2] it's also noted that 'Very little is known regarding the pathogenesis of its effects on the urinary tract.

Extensive clinical data and experimental models demonstrate the involvement of adipokines in the pathogenesis of these autoimmune diseases.

Wikipedia states: Some studies indicate that environmental factorsmore specifically, the consumption of lactosemay "play a more important role than genetic factors in the etio-pathogenesis of milk intolerance" ... ie. the intolerance notion is largely ******** and people can adapt to lactose.

I got curious and started to search out some other reading[0]:> The pathogenesis of [aquagenic urticaria] AU is poorly understood at this time, and it appears to be mediated in both a histamine-dependent and independent manner.

I would just add this item, paraphrasing the paper:In 2015 the Wuhan team of virologists working with researchers from Chapel Hill, NC obtained a chimeric virus able to infect the human respiratory tract, while unexpectedly featuring an increased pathogenesis in the mouse.

Pathogenesis definitions


the origination and development of a disease