Partizan in a sentence as a noun

If you look at successful lobbying groups, you'll see that they are for the most part non-partizan.

That Republicans tend to support the NRA is a fact, but the NRA is non-partizan.

It's really not hard to identify partizan news sources, which is what this is based on.

It's possible to write partizan stories without using false facts.

Partizan in a sentence as an adjective

There are three, actually: two very vocal partizan sides, and a third side doing actual research.

The articles that pass this filter are far fewer than those which fail it for any remotely partizan subject.

Yes but this has been politicised so heavily even the truth is normally garnished with a partizan message.

It doesn't really matter what the other 10% think when they can be either brainwashed by partizan journalism or divided and made irrelevant.

Partizan definitions


an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity

See also: enthusiast partisan


a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries

See also: partisan


devoted to a cause or party

See also: partisan