Enthusiast in a sentence as a noun

I don't know, I think if you're an enthusiast who cares about the environment, Clarkson isn't your favorite guy ever.

I'm biased by being a gun enthusiast and AK-variant owner myself, but I quite admire him as an engineer.

Can't be a photographer and aviation enthusiast, no!As Bruce says, the CYA angle is also horrific.

Judging from his other comments, I think he just means white, male, tech-enthusiast twenty-somethings without much money.

It doesn't seem like it'd interest the general programming enthusiast, because it's just about a class of languages that few people actually use.

Overall these aren't good selling points to the average consumer, or even to the Nintendo enthusiast.

I don't own a gun, but let's assume I become a gun enthusiast and decide to go buy "something cool"I go to my local gun store, which is actually a front for the ATF.

So, I would suggest upgrading that comment to "The one linked in the headline was a generous contribution to the community of the type which we should enthusiastically encourage.

I'm just saying that if you're not a tech enthusiast with little context for IP actions, there's really no reason you'd see the current smartphone situation as being particularly new, different or dangerous.

The one linked in the headline was the result of a professional programmer and OSS enthusiast spending probably an hour of their time doing something very difficult for the benefit of the community.

As languages go, C# may be the ultimate "middle ground" because it really excels and providing a middling implementation of [your-favorite-language-feature].That is, if you're a functional programming enthusiast, you can do a lot of functional programming in C#.

Enthusiast definitions


an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity

See also: partisan partizan


a person having a strong liking for something

See also: fancier