Parenthesis in a sentence as a noun

Note how the parenthesis is outside the function name.

I love Clojure and I think it's the first Lisp to take the language family out of "cons cell and parenthesis ****".

I would prefer that the creativity in software development does not come from where you put your parenthesis or spaces.

Before we can really gain speed, a parenthesis is immediately blocking us.

In many languages, we represent code in a tree-like structure, just with text and braces/parenthesis/tabs as indentations.

I got it by mistake when fiddling with the parenthesis locations but I was expecting to have to deal with xx separately.

However, due to optional parenthesis, there is some space for ambiguity.

A misplaced parenthesis can corrupt output data from an ordinary programs too.

There's been so much argument over things that don't matter much in the end, like whether or not optional semicolons and parenthesis are a good thing.

But the main problem with that is in CoffeeScript you do need to use parenthesis after the first call because your code will be unreadable otherwise.

Everybody knows that % jumps between a bracket, brace or parenthesis and its matched pair, but what happens if you hit % while the cursor isn't on such a character?

But to me there's no going back from being able to see visually that you forgot to close a string or parenthesis, or include a proper line continuation for your macro.

* Terrible attention to detail: Geocities not capitalized, no space between popular and the open parenthesis, "I've Spent" capitalization, random use of present tense in job descriptions, the first entry under My Services is blank, etc.* Irrelevant information.

What it actually is is "foo is an array [3] of arrays [4] of pointers to int".The correct rule* for parsing declarations is "Start from the thing being declared, and read right until you hit a closing parenthesis, then read left until you reach the matching paren, then go back to reading right, and always skip over any tokens you've already read.

Parenthesis definitions


either of two punctuation marks (or) used to enclose textual material


a message that departs from the main subject

See also: digression aside excursus divagation