Paleontology in a sentence as a noun

As a result the sources from which people learn about paleontology can often be quite partisan.

But that's kinda my point, we don't know that, anymore than we know an all meat diet is okay for us. Most of the "science" around nutrition would only be acceptable in theoretical physics and paleontology.

The idea that you can determine the size of an animal from a single bone comes from Cuvier and was an early development in paleontology.

Letters and words simply made sense, and I could blaze through all sorts of sentences, sentences ranging from the domains of paleontology to technical manuals.

Any book which ties genetics and paleontology together must talk about the plasticity organisms through time.

Why believe that the magic box that you connect to the computer exists at all. If you're going to ignore science, then why would you try to rationalize at all. It's not like we put the smart kids in computers, engineering, physics, maths, chemistry, and physics; but then put the 'special' kids in paleontology.

Do you also consider astronomy, cosmology, paleontology, ecology, and geology to be "science" rather than science?

Climatology is concerned primarily with physics and chemistry, but also geology and in some cases, paleontology.

In the USA paleontology, especially dinosaur paleontology, plays a huge role in the continuing political struggle over whether evolution should be taught in science classes.

" But most people do not understand the difference, and that's why we see things like global climate circulation models get mixed up with historical climate reconstruction, or paleontology get mixed up with evolutionary biology.

Other examples of necessarily observational sciences include geology, paleontology, epidemiology, and much of the social sciences.

Paleontology definitions


the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains

See also: palaeontology fossilology