Paediatrician in a sentence as a noun

My daughter's paediatrician is my doctor's son and he is married to nurse.

So anyone with a half-decent paediatrician and concerns, I'd say call away.

No, in the same way that paediatrician isn’t pronounced paydiatrician

A female friend who's a paediatrician was being courted by the Saudi government to come and start a programme there.

It's also not spelled "paediatrician" in American English, hence the confusion.

During that process we encountered both an obstetrician and a paediatrician who cared very little.

But coming on for 2 years, she still wasn't walking and her speech was lagging being, and we went to see a paediatrician - he recognised it immediately, and told us without even waiting on karyotyping.

Because from the perspective of an actual patient it seems rather silly that a nurse can't take a blood test, and a paediatrician-in-training can't study with a family doctor or another paediatrician in a private practice.

10 years ago in the UK, a bunch of uneducated vigilantes ran a doctor out of her home - they misunderstood her job title of 'paediatrician' on her clinic door to mean 'paedophile,' assumed she was a sex offender, and vandalized her house.

In the four year old’s wonderful little parlance, you are ‘a really cool dude’.You’ve joined people like her grandma and grandpa, a ‘pleese ossifer girl’ who wrote me a speeding ticket and gave her a tattoo, and her paediatrician in the realm of ‘really cool dudes’.

Paediatrician definitions


a specialist in the care of babies

See also: pediatrician pediatrist