Obstetrician in a sentence as a noun

Even a friend of ours who was an obstetrician said it would be foolish not to.

Apparently, neither the mother nor her own obstetrician nor her lawyer came up with this theory, either, for quite a while, so who's fault is that?

Talking to a one time girlfriend who is an obstetrician while she was at work one day she said "better go, I need to deliver this woman's baby".

During that process we encountered both an obstetrician and a paediatrician who cared very little.

An obstetrician would have tried to improve the forceps or the vacuum extractor, but obstructed labor needed a mechanic.

The time I've spent in developing countries, it's just anecdotal to me that a midwife is the first call for a pregnant woman rather than an obstetrician.

>First, find out the percentages of cesarian birth and breastfeeding for both your obstetrician and your hospital as compared to the national average.

I am not an obstetrician but I am pretty sure that fecal transfer is far more likely because of acccidental pooping while 'pushing' instead of **** tearing/fissures.

The fact that she was already in the hospital and attended to by an obstetrician made that process considerably safer and more reliable.

Having a consultant obstetrician available appears to decrease rates of intervention, not increase them.

Obstetrician definitions


a physician specializing in obstetrics

See also: accoucheur