Overhang in a sentence as a noun

Shallow, wide channels could direct water to the edges and then overhang could help "pour" the water to the downspout.

Every homebuilder in the country is smart enough not to invest in adding to that overhang. The prices/sales are dropping now - what will they look like a year from now?

Taking advantage of this, you can create a large overhang at the top of the well, then play by building the majority of your stack under it.

The problem of finding the maximum overhang has been recently solved. The resulting construction is more complex than the one described in this article.

It's not 2011 anymore, when housing construction was at its lowest because of the overhang due to the massive real estate bubble. It's 2013 and a construction boom is under way that is so large that in the next 2 years more housing will be built than in the past 15 years combined.

Some big trucks would have a hard time seeing the stop sign, reacting to it, slamming on the brakes, and coming to a complete stop in time before they cause damage to the overhang and beams.

I remember an article where someone showed you could stack dominoes to produce infinite overhang, exploiting the same counter intuitive bit of math.

- Large overhang in the form of the significant amount of shares that aren't being sold in the IPO, but will eventually need to get sold. Typically an IPO would be shopped around the street, meaning that multiple banks would have the opportunity to handle the sale.

If they had sheltered the glass under an overhang or put an awning over it, they probably would have cut their A/C costs by a third or more. They meet the requirements to get the certificate and be sold as "green", but fail to achieve the real purpose -- reducing monthly energy costs.

There are 2 big problems though: You've got a huge overhang area, so if you do use flux, it's not going to be able to escape, and will stay as voids in the joint. But if you don't, you'll have to find some other way to replicate the cleaning and oxide stripping behaviour in order to get the solder to bond properly.

Overhang in a sentence as a verb

Usually what happens is that a large increase in supply doesn't immediately push prices down, but results in a large overhang of vacant housing stock. The developer eats the cost on that for a while, but then the next recession hits, people lose their jobs, banks foreclose on the properties, and that starts the tumble in prices.

It looks like this PDF has been generated with LaTex. It's quite common for the typesetting to overhang a word into the margin like that, I guess it's just to maintain the justification. If you can be bothered you can add hints into the LaTex markup to force breaks and hyphenation at certain points to alleviate it.

It works as long as you spend, and then poof, nothing, It works perfectly well as a way of stabilizing demand and employment until the private sector works through a bad debt overhang and demand picks up again. This has been proven time and time again despite many economic junk-science attempts to disprove it.

What's actually happening is that at each step, you already have a max-overhang tower of N bricks, then you add another brick below, to produce a max-overhang tower of N+1 bricks. Because the old N-brick tower is stable, you can place it anywhere on the new bottom brick as long as its center of gravity is not off the edge of the new brick.

Had the settlement been set aside, the liability overhang would very likely have messed up its IPO, among other serious consequences. That was the gamble apparently made by the Winklevoss brothers - that they would be able to exact a much larger settlement as a result of their leverage obtained from having the issues re-opened.

Right now especially, with depressed household consumption due to the debt overhang and massive excess productive capactiy, the government should be running huge deficits in order to support private sector incomes.

But it's entirely obvious that the household debt overhang from the financial crisis is entirely what is holding demand/consumption back. We have had a historic buildup in HHold leverage for the last 30 years as consumers used debt as a substitute for stagnant wages, and after the housing crisis all this debt is no longer underpinned by adequate collateral.

Pay way in excess of the ability to consume creates a huge overhang in liquidity with which people start to gamble in the international financial casino, creating instability[1] See also "Giant Pool of Money"[2] And so they support punitive rates of tax for those who earn noticeably more than they do The rates are not punitive. They are stabilizing.

I think for a boostrapped company these are still your two really big overhang costs where people end up weighing going without or dyi versus committing to legal or accounting as your biggest up front operating expense. Of the two, I'd say accounting has probably changed the most, there are plenty of workable software solutions for keeping books that aren't too bad and it seems like there are plenty of people trying to build startups around that particular problem.

Where voting for your preferred party with your second vote could actually make them lose seats if your party had more overhang mandates through direct first votes than through the proportional second vote. This was ruled unconstitutional by the Bundesverfassungsgericht in 2008 and the law was eventually changed. The current voting law in effect in 2013 reduced the effect but it's still there. So to balance those overhang seats, balancing seats are introduced which might increase the number of total seats beyond the originally intended number by quite a significant amount.

Overhang definitions


projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else


project over


be suspended over or hang over; "This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town"

See also: beetle