Originator in a sentence as a noun

Not having the actual originator as the "From:" seems to be "doing it wrong".

That a huge number of those bytes comes from the same originator shouldn't enter into it.

The phone company charges the originator 50 cents.

An idea has to be really, really bad to hurt the originator's social status before he can get promoted away from the mess.

In this case, the originator is obliged to grant each and every publisher the right to copy and distribute on reasonable terms.

Took the originator's project in a new, unexpected direction, which makes it even more interesting.

That's just human psychology and relative experience; because you're the originator of all the humor and jokes, you know exactly where the wit stems from.

Then I came to the point in the article where he told us that the project originator was also behind another project that amounted to not much more than some folded carboard.

The content may have been a civil breach of contract for the originator to disseminate, but you commit no breach nor crime by looking at it, as you have no non-disclosure agreement with Apple.

Something like this would completely solve that problem -- and better yet, without any direct, traceable links between you as the investor and you as the research originator, so the risk of being caught on some kind of insider trading charge is minimized.

If tablet computers were cheap enough to be effectively free, might this not be a good and effective way for a senior manager to get his work done?Instead of "Hey Captain, I need you to read this document and sign off on it, please see the attachment" you could just hand him a physical device with the document on it, he'd read it, press the "make it so" button on the bottom, and hand it back or have it sent back to the originator.

Originator definitions


someone who creates new things

See also: conceiver mastermind