Olfaction in a sentence as a noun

Is there still some minor airflow through the other hole to enable stereo olfaction?

The human study was a olfaction test where participants felt more attracted to the sweat of said relativeness.

I won't claim it's impossible, but... olfaction boils down to a small molecule protein interaction, similar to drug discovery.

There is fairly strong evidence that olfaction evolution occurs by gene duplication followed by selection.

Gloor suggest that because low level olfaction is not able to distinguish parts of a smell it is more heavily associated with context than other senses.

Follow-up of these loci suggested links to biological pathways that involve sex hormone regulation and olfaction.

If cells are able to leverage quantum mechanics like our retina, chlorophyll, bird magnetoreception, and olfaction, then why not for memory or computation?

Sensors like the MQ-3[2] are sensitive to alcohol, which could be used to help minimize hooching[3].There's a great blog post[4] about using MQ sensors for "machine olfaction" to monitor things a human would normally smell with their nose.

This says more about the relative inutility of human olfaction than the unique value of whatever poorly specified "technology" the survey asked about.

He notes a study where recognition of olfactory cues are not as immediately reliable as visual or auditory cues but there is very little decay over time of that recognition ability in olfaction while visual and auditory cues are recognized no better than chance after 3 months.

Olfaction definitions


the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents

See also: smell