Off-color in a sentence as an adjective

How is "girls are bros too" or the term "bro" an off-color joke or insensitive.

It wasn't violent, it wasn't oppressive, it was just off-color.

And I'm certainly not stupid enough to make any off-color joke in a public tweet

But being a failed comedian and telling off-color jokes is, luckily, not a crime.

I'd expect more than a single off-color comment before banning someone.

That's because I have learned that to effectively communicate with some people, off-color jokes shut them down.

I agree that everyone needs time to unwind and I'll be the first in line for a drink or to hear an off-color joke, but a job ad isn't the place.

" If you're really self aware, you may start to realize there's been a difference in social distance between off-color remarks to women vs. others.

> the crazy and untrue implication that women are too dainty to handle off-color jokesWhich is sexist, and I can't see how others can't see how sexist it is.

They saw the complaints coming, but they thought it was more important to make some sort of off-color joke than to have their product taken seriously as the useful tool it could be.

One of the things that bugged me about this whole sordid business was the crazy and untrue implication that women are too dainty to handle off-color jokes, or that if you think they're funny, then you're against women in tech.

If you're familiar with the webcomic or the blog, you'd recognize that this is probably a reference to off-color language and humor that undoubtedly is typical of their work environment.

Off-color definitions


in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent; "an indelicate remark"; "an off-color joke"

See also: indelicate off-colour


humorously vulgar; "bawdy songs"; "off-color jokes"; "ribald language"

See also: bawdy ribald