Odor in a sentence as a noun

"You can't smell methane - it's an odorless gas.

Your sweat lessens, and becomes clear and odorless.

> No more deodorant is required after this.

You do smell natives who don't use deodorant - when you first encounter them.

"ran out of money" wouldn't have this "we can't say anything, we are closing it now" odor.

Also body odor is going to be less noticeable if everyone around you is smoking up a storm...

I think the nostrils are too close together for 3d smell detection beyond very short odor wavelengths.

People have been using scented fragrances to cover up both body odor and other odors for thousands of years.

It's possible that my gag reflex to a strong whiff of body odor is entirely a creation of marketing.

Hit the gym and pay attention to how you look overall: zits, bad hair, body odor, bad clothes, bad table manners also hurt you.

The ones that cause acne, odor, etc...When you take antibiotics it kills bacteria nonselectively, good and bad.

Are you really under the belief that those "odor causing bacteria" existed only on your armpits?

It isn't until our most insecure moments of adolescence that we really start sweating enough to require deodorants.

The hair is less susceptible to bacterial growth and therefore is ideal for preventing the bacterial odor.

No one is hurt by bad smells, and at the very worst, you have to deal with a few unpleasant moments before your senses recalibrate, and then you don't notice the odor anymore.

I'd rather sit beside someone with a slight body odor than beside someone with a strong artificial deodorant perfume, especially when eating.

If sanitizing your underarms was sufficient to get rid of odor and sweat indefinitely, then a big iodine swab would do the job faster and even cheaper.

Deodorants are generally considered cosmetic product because they simply control odor.

The FAQ says "Do Crystal deodorants contain aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium?

Alum, aluminium chlorohydrate, and aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly don't have any significant smell of their own. Indeed, you can buy unscented deodorants from the major manufacturers, and they are exactly as effective as the scented ones.

After hearing the US abandoned chemical weapons based on the odor of feces and rot because 'not all cultures share the same aversion to those smells" I was surprised to read the following quote in Marcus Aurelius's Meditations:Art thou angry with him whose armpits stink ?

Sometimes you meet people with outrageous body odor or hard to fathom beliefs, but other than that you love their insights or their willingness to participate, and so you don't think about them in the things you find objectionable, you think about them for the things you admire in them.

Odor definitions


any property detected by the olfactory system

See also: smell aroma odour scent


the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form; "she loved the smell of roses"

See also: smell odour