Noted in a sentence as an adjective

The truth is they are a platform company, as noted in other threads here.

And it should be noted that we haven't accepted a single penny in donations since the fall of 2005.

And, as noted, even the parties themselves had not raised the issue on the key appeal as a ground for potential reversal.

It should be noted that some people believe that governments should also be held accountable for killing innocents that are foreign citizens.

As others have noted, there is no information to suggest the statement is generally true, beyond these two sub-system components.

"I take great offense to my culture being defined ..."Total straw man, he didn't define any culture as this, he noted that it's one characteristic of our culture.

> He noted that during a time of growing litigation in the smartphone industry, "innovation continues at an absolutely breakneck pace.

The answer, as de Tocqueville noted years ago, is not to place faith in leaders but rather to take personal responsibility in our lives and to curtail the powers of those who govern.

> Alexander also noted the 6,000 NSA cryptologists who have deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, 20 of whom were killed in the line of duty according to Alexander.

The WSJ report noted that Apple was concerned that " AppGratis was pushing a business model that appeared to favor developers with the financial means to pay for exposure.

From an interpersonal standpoint, they are noted to be harsh, hostile, manipulative, lacking in empathy, cold-hearted, and abrasive to those they deem to be their inferiors.

I'm just going to leave this here:When I was in Hong Kong, I spoke to my partner in [Rio de Janeiro] via Skype and told him I would send an electronic encrypted copy of the documents, Greenwald noted.

This has been noted from Jacob Nielsen on forward as the information people are most interested in.• Make damned sure that whatever process or workflow you've created online works, and for as many possible end-user environments as possible.

However, in the immediately previous paragraph, he noted:> one employee spied on a spouseSo much for automated analysis, besides not being able to filter out US citizens' data it can't even filter out an employee's direct family.

Noted definitions


widely known and esteemed; "a famous actor"; "a celebrated musician"; "a famed scientist"; "an illustrious judge"; "a notable historian"; "a renowned painter"

See also: celebrated famed far-famed famous illustrious notable renowned


worthy of notice or attention; "a noted increase in the crime rate"