Northwards in a sentence as an adverb

Here in Denver, we're trying to get passenger rail service to connect northwards through Boulder - about 35 miles.

They have to do with the new requirement of distributing wind energy from the north to the south and solar energy northwards.

Ex: assuming a wall that travels east/west, and a line coming from the south northwards, when drawing the last pixel of the line before it attaches to the wall, the test would fail.

> people will naturally move northwards in Canada and Siberia to take advantage of newly fertile farmlandIs this the early 1900's?

Interconnecting to nearby nations to move mainly westerly wind power eastwards, and mainly southerly solar northwards.

Yes, early in the article it says "Facebook has northwards of 800 memcached servers creating a reservoir of 28 terabytes of memory enabling a 99% cache hit rate.

If global climate is heating up, people will naturally move northwards in Canada and Siberia to take advantage of newly fertile farmland and moderate temps.

Though based on your appellation of "super-gurus," there are definitely a few who fit that category, so selection bias could well be tugging my perceived average northwards.

"Canada has 7% of the world's renewable fresh water", but the 85% of the population that lives close to the south border doesn't have access to this water as it mostly flows northwards towards the Arctic Ocean.

Northwards definitions


in a northern direction; "they earn more up north"; "Let's go north!"

See also: north northerly northward