Newsworthiness in a sentence as a noun

For IOP, truth is an element in newsworthiness, which can be a defense to IOP.

With limited amount of time I need a system that would tell me newsworthiness of an item.

But the only thing less newsworthy than a given story is your assessment of its newsworthiness.

Interesting question, but what does it have to do with your statement regarding newsworthiness?I assume you are trolling hard and fast with your immature post?

No, I am not 'trolling' at all, I am just expressing my opinion and trying to provide some feedback about newsworthiness of the article and related HN post.

> a hierarchy of insightAbsolutely, there's a joke on journalism that newsworthiness = death / distance.

That is probably literally the only element of newsworthiness underpinning the story.

An upvote can imply newsworthiness or professional interest, rather than personal approval.

Journalists frame stories to satisfy criteria of "newsworthiness," a combined measure of the story's importance, urgency, and entertainment value.

The author may be "a visionary technology executive with the drive to bring to market innovative and profitable solutions [and] an experienced team leader under start-up and growth conditions" but I confess I've rarely seen an article with less real content or newsworthiness.

Newsworthiness definitions


the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins; "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial"; "he is no longer news in the fashion world"

See also: news