Nemesis in a sentence as a noun

Once your nemesis has your phone and your laptop, the laptop screensaver password may not be chief among your worries!

I think it was 1992 or so before it was really clear that patents were the true and final nemesis of my chosen profession.

That way Google+ can claim 1 billion active users and say their service is a huge success, even surpassing their nemesis Facebook.

Also at university I had someone who, over three classes taken together, had graduated from "rubs me the wrong way" to "nemesis.

And each implementation did it their own way because standardization was considered "selling out" and aping the nemesis Common Lisp.

Mayer, once a nemesis of the giant Pacific octopus, had suddenly become its most visible supporter.

It's opinions like this that hold us back from progressing socially - the idea that understanding the motives of a nemesis is functionally the same as justifying them.

The names get sillier: there's a sonic hedgehog expression inhibitor called robotnikinin, after Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis Dr. Robotnik.

When the nazis needed to devote an actual human being to physical surveillance of his communist nemesis, it made sense to **** that nemesisNow, computers can track the development of that nemesis for nearly free.

< community has designated a Nobel leaurate as its nemesis, solely because he asked some inevitable questions every thinking person in his profession ought to ask>>If I'm not mistaken the Nobel leaurate [sic] in question wrote an article entitled "Bitcoin is evil.

Anecdotal evidence: I have talked to employees at various big data platform/software companies, and though they have a wide ranging opinions on stream processing, Hadoop, Spark, etc., they all agree data cleaning is a huge pain/deal-slowing/-killing nemesis/unsolved problem that their employers semi-solve with increasing Sales Engineer headcounts.

Nemesis definitions


(Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance

See also: Nemesis


something causing misery or death; "the bane of my life"

See also: bane curse scourge