Bane in a sentence as a noun

Synchronized network access This one has been the bane of us on a few occasions.

Lack of sustained motivation has been the bane of my existence.

No. DatePickers, along with Forms, are the bane of my existence.

Switches are the bane of most electrical engineers because they cost a lot and they have a finite lifetime.

Edit: He seems to have a lot of interest and worked a lot on good documentation, which is the bane of the typical OSS project.

The bane of my childhood was hysterical, clueless adults warning about how I could die from opening anything with a CRT in it... yet here I am!

It is the bane and doom of many government policies, not just Marxist, but regulators which have nothing to do with Marxism and probably just want to make some things better.

And the better a programmer you are, the more you will see and take opportunities to write a bit of code instead of roping in a third-party library, to use a small library instead of a big library, or use a library instead of another process, thus avoiding large swaths of complexity, the bane of software development.

Bane definitions


something causing misery or death; "the bane of my life"

See also: curse scourge nemesis