Nasal in a sentence as a noun

Not to mention luck!I had a chronic cough for years, caused by post nasal drip.

Options to make things more interesting are as follows: -F nasal sex with plants Wut?

Who wouldn't rather have a nasal delivery than a shot?

On the face, there are only 4 places where this is possible: The earlobe, the nasal cavity, the lip fold and the tongue.

******* is a great painkiller for facial/nasal injuries.

You'll see where the doctor billed $300 for "nasal deconfrabulation", your copay was $25, and the insurance paid $125.

Not just the gut but other bacterial sites like skin, mouth, nasal cavity, urinary tract, etc.

So, the thing itself is a hot topic, so why not talk about it, even if you are not using it?Your nasal spray, however, is not a hot topic.

Towers of Hanoi, nasal demons, &c. Even with the help of with smart and experienced people, I've never spent so much time diagnosing such trivial, silent runtime errors.

Nasal in a sentence as an adjective

My daughter required a nasal feeding tube for about a year and subsisted primarily on Pediasure.

The classic example of undefined behavior is "nasal demons".

******* is a local anaesthetic that also restricts blood flow in capillaries hence its very useful in nasal surgery.

I can see a whole line of bean and nose t-shirts:"It's simply a beans-and-noses situation" "Are you enjoying your nasal-based legume implantation experience?

Historically, when someone died and was going to be buried at sea, they'd be sewn into a sailcloth "coffin", the last stitch of which would be through the nasal septum, just to make sure.

Aureus is not equivalent to a "sinus infection".In college I took a class on plagues -- as an experiment, everyone in the class tested themselves for nasal colonization of S. Aureus.

If you took all the people in the world who say they have chronic sinusitis, and you put them all on nasal saline irrigations, a big proportion would not have any symptoms anymore.>After that would be medications, like steroids, which are anti-inflammatory *****.

Even excluding obvious fantasy like nasal demons, and real but unusual cases like starting nethack, there are completely mundane things that are reasonably common in real compilers but that don't go "someplace in existing code", like aborting on integer overflow, or crashing when you access a bad pointer.

Nasal definitions


a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed


an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose


of or in or relating to the nose; "nasal passages"

See also: rhinal


sounding as if the nose were pinched; "a whining nasal voice"

See also: adenoidal pinched