Mystique in a sentence as a noun

Piracy has made music less scarce, though, and the mystique of music has lessened because of it.

I think part of this is certainly the mystique of the cowboy cop trope [0]. They'll do anything to get their man, even if the man in the next room thinks they've gone to far.

This is inexcusable of a company that is so wrapped up in its mystique and brand image.

It is a quality perception game, when Hollywood is using your stuff you gain a certain mystique.

That noise took away some of the mystique for me; it made computers less sexy. My ignorance had allowed me to romanticize them."

Harvard may have some mystique baked into its valuation, but most of us still hold the valuation -- mystique and all -- in high esteem. We accept it at face value.

For some, that adds a little bit to the mystique and excitement, so they become willing to take a meeting with us. This strategy has been pretty successful so far.

What is it about islands that gives them their mystique? I don't think a post entitled, "My friends and I bought a five-acre plot of land near Halifax" would have garnered as much attention.

I think, they'll lumber around for a few years while their products lose mystique. It's not that their products are much different than android, it's that Apple will lose its super cool image by doing things like suing samsung.

The article speculates that the low-key PR campaign was itself part if the mystique, but it's easy to overestimate that. The truth is that playing hard to get only works well if you're hot.

Nothing ever mean or nasty but there were circles and power, mystique around certain cliques and I respected it. We chased that power, reacted against it, then exerted it."

It's like the authority and mystique of the office are just evaporating. And forget about "repairing relations with the rest of the world."

There is a reasoning behind emails like the first: managerial mystique. Make decisions, don't explain why.

Also, "feminine mystique" and "wear it well, kemosabe" are both guaranteed to ruffle all the wrong feathers for many people, including me. I'm really surprised some of this copy made it out of a mock-up.

Any news story about Bitcoin in the past couple years have included something about the mystique of Nakamoto.

Part of the mystique grown-ups had to me when I was a kid was that grown-ups were the ones who knew how things worked -- I knew how to break my toys, but only grown-ups knew how to fix them. Growing up was the process of being initiated into these mysteries.

In retrospect, the mystique seems crazy. Monads are just not that confusing: they're simply values with added context, along with functions that let you interact with those values without losing the context.

Am I the only one who thinks that even though it made for a nice source of anecdotes and mystique, this part of Jobs' influence on Apple was actually not particularly relevant to Apple's success? Not everything he did was perfect.

And there's also this distinct sense of mystique, an accidentally created legend about non-science "knowledge". This sense that the demon haunted world contains nuggets of powerful knowledge which would be evaporated if the light of the candle that is science would shine on them.

I think its sexist to portray men as dumb sex-starved creatures and only the feminine mystique of women can lead to fulfilling relationships. I hate the political correctness that is popular today.

You don't sell, but you promote your expertise and your personal brand for consulting, and offhandedly refer to how successful you are, with a indirect touch that is less off-putting and generates a bit of subtle mystique about "how does he do it? what is he talking about?"

The mystique of the locksmith is that the encoding is more esoteric than "this is my password", but that's not actually a very strong security guarantee if you expose it to adversarial action. Relatedly, most locks can be defeated by a bright 8 year old with tools which cost less than $100.

Whereas Tesla almost managed to get a gigantic pie-in-the-sky wireless power transmission experiment funded using little more than his famous mad-scientist mystique. Edison couldn't hope to inspire that kind of patronage and had to rely on more prosaic methods.

The libraries from Cognex and Matrox as well as open-source solutions have become so good and easy to use that some of the mystique of machine vision has disappeared. I think there are still tons of interesting machine vision applications but the systems development itself has become largely commoditized.

To keep that mystique, Apple has a right to review and license AirPlay to those vendors that it finds aligned with its long term goals. If you want Apple to be forced to do something different, you're not a "hacker", you're on the side of big government and "Big Brother" demanding to oversee and meddle in a company's right to sell the product it wants that works in the way that it wants.

Their market dominance is driven by the FUD of other technologies unfortunately, so they need to create their own front-end javascript framework to keep the mystique going about how computer systems are complicated without SAP. On the other hand, when the SAP people retire I'd imagine they'll be completely out of business because no CTO in 20 years is going to get behind an SAP implementation as they work today.

Mystique definitions


an aura of heightened value or interest or meaning surrounding a person or thing