Murderously in a sentence as an adverb

This is a murderously difficult problem, so claims of miracles need to be received with some skepticism.

It is murderously hard to find a real, no-nonsense competence. Usually all you got are narcissistic types like patio11 and talking heads.

Do keep in mind that food prices are murderously high in Japan, which is a very real problem for low-income families. One single apple at my local supermarket is $2 and up.

I still remember that I was murderously angry at whoever had invented it for the first month or two. It was only after that period of suffering that I found I rather liked it.

To be clear, I do not endorse ****** but when reading the article, I empathized with the author in a way that made me feel murderously angry.

And a good thing too, because it's probably the only reliably way to hold the line against policies that really are murderously bad. We don't debate practical eugenics.

The thing is that getting a foot hold is murderously expensive. And it remains merely prohibitively expensive unless and until you develop a cheap way to get mass into earth orbit.

They followed a murderously difficult format: you get 15 slides which get auto-advanced every thirty seconds, and thats it. You might think that means you can get away with slapping together something in an hour: oh no.

It seems like premeditated failure into murderously brutal markets where distribution is painful. If they're going to do it themselves they're going to learn quite quickly that it can only work in about a dozen metros.

Python really gets murderously difficult to debug in an organization with multiple types of indentation. Spaces are the least easy to screw up there, and has been why many guides I've seen have "spaces" instead of "tabs" as the default.

If that happens, say goodbye to your hedge fund -- actually securing the size of bets you are making is murderously expensive. Do you understand why this means you're willing to pay literally any price to satisfy the short according to schedule?

Of course we are also murderously competitive individuals but the point is that in certain environments you won't survive if you don't cooperate.

Even purified water is murderously destructive. He told me stories about replacing piping in a water cooled electronics room.

Those kinds of catch-22 scenarios are murderously hard to escape, either technically or marketing-wise. One application that doesn't fit the mold though is private network backplanes for cloud servers that span data centers and cloud providers.

I read one essay by a trilingual student about how she was very challenged in a murderously difficult curriculum but persevered out of her driving determination to become a med school student. And you know how that essay would have been read?

It's a strange world you live in where a political theory can be both fundamentally unsound in theory and disastrously, murderously false in practice, but worth considering anyway. I don't want to spend any more mental cycles on understanding your world.

Artificial problems are murderously difficult to crack and often disappears when the underlying technology shifts.

Seriously just trying to get my mind around the standards we're held to here at HN. We are supposed to deny or massage reality if it makes psychopathologically murderous and murderously irresponsible regimes look, you know, bad? If that's not what you're telling me, then please, explain.

Even purified water is murderously destructive. Indeed, water is more destructive to materials than many other liquids.

His instinctive decision was completely understandable, and fortunately he read the situation correctly: The guy was obviously nuts, but not murderously nuts. It could, however, have been different.

Oh, are the alternatives to Rap Genius attempting to profit, through pageviews and ad revenue, from re-posting the horrifically, murderously misogynist rantings of a spree killer? And then going beyond that, adding their own misogynistic thoughts to the text, as a cherry on top?

But it was exactly the same when Harry felt and behaved like a wolf, when he showed other people his teeth or became murderously hostile to humankind as a whole, hating all its hypocritical and degenerate manners and customs. For then it was the human side of him that lay in wait, observing the wolf, calling him a brute and a beast, spoiling and souring all the pleasure he was taking in the straightforward life of a healthy untamed wolf...

As for being "disastrously, murderously false in practice", the only thing this demonstrates is that you are conflating Marxism-Leninism and Marxism. Lenin devoted years to revisionism and campaigning to justify how Russia could break central tenets of Marxism and successfully transition to socialism without first going through a capitalist phase.

I'm sure that, in some cases, this is true, but it's a trade-off, like most other things in economics, and the absolutist way that many people hold this, so that a lot of exploitation is justified to retain this, is murderously excessive, and not based on empirical evidence.

Murderously definitions


as if bent on murder; "the huge dog bore down on them with bared fangs and barking murderously"


in a murderous frenzy; "rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones"

See also: amok amuck