Multicolored in a sentence as an adjective

Possibly one of those companies down the road from MSR SV with the multicolored bikes.

I am pretty sure the purpose is mostly "have cool multicolored lights you control with your phone".

Ads of multicolored devices featuring content that matches the enclosure?

"Advice Dog is a popular image macro series that that features a picture of the head of a smiling puppy on a multicolored color wheel background split into 6 colors.

The demo scenes were basically a room or hallway with several colored lights, and the resulting multicolored shadows cast by an animated character.

Thus, a linoleum floor covering featuring a multicolored pebble design which was produced by a mechanical process in unrepeatable, random patterns, is not registrable.

Multicolored definitions


having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"

See also: motley calico multicolor multi-color multicolour multi-colour multi-colored multicoloured multi-coloured painted