Multi-colored in a sentence as an adjective

The full screen, multi-colored tile metro screen is subtle and not jarring?

The novel may rely on custom fonts, or multi-colored text.

I'm greated with a giant multi-colored blocker in the middle of the screen.

A multi-colored 3d topology of ******** would really make it hit home

I, too, wrote many sheets of hand-coded 6502 assembly back then, but I didn't think to use a multi-colored pen.

At least we no longer have to put up with Americans mocking our currencies for being multi-colored monopoly bills.

Started at age 7 on a C64. I learned binary before I could multiply because you needed to understand binary to create multi-colored sprites on the C64. I made a game where you drove a car and avoided things, then another where you drove a spaceship and avoided things, then another where you shot arrows at moving targets.

It's not very hard to teach even the least technically literate person that they just need to click the big multi-colored circle to get to the internet, so it seems weird that abstracting that one step away makes everyone go wild about giving their mom a Chromebook.

Multi-colored definitions


having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"

See also: motley calico multicolor multi-color multicolour multi-colour multicolored multicoloured multi-coloured painted