Mores in a sentence as a noun

I also do pretty well when one needs to ignore social mores or corporate ******** to get something done.

While this sense might be characterized as having to do with social mores, I don't think it's a misuse of the word "idiom".

It will not survive, because this country will not survive as a single entity given such broken incentives and cultural mores.

There would be informal mores about how much you can take, and people would spend time observing how much their coworkers take to get an idea of what an "OK" amount is.

This suffers from the issue that other introductions to Emacs* - including the official tutorial - suffer from: a focus on Emacs community mores.

The banking can such idiotic counterproductive mores dominate the allocation of capital...or more does ******** still rule.

The common argument against illegalizing spiking is, I kid you not, that spiking is so ingrained in the cultural mores and expectations of California public servants that to deny spiking for new retirees would be grievously unfair to them when compared to Of-Course-I-Spiked-Everyone-Does retirees.

Mores definitions


(sociology) the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group