Morbidity in a sentence as a noun

Sorry, I meant morbidity, but I should have been more clear.

Keep in mind that what matters is total mortality and total morbidity, not risk of cancer.

There is signal in current mortality and morbidity statistics about how long the individuals now alive will last before they die off.

But patients often don't understand that and can't make logical choices without being 'forced', for lack of a better word, and told they must do it soon with surgeon X. In this case overall population health decreases, complications, morbidity and mortality rise from delays.

There is a more recent popular fish oil study - a randomized, placebo-controlled trial - showing that fish oil has no effect on CV mortality or morbidity.

Tobacco was not a particularly great cause of morbidity and mortality until the invention of the cigarette rolling machine.

To really check carefully for hard endpoints--reduced mortality and morbidity, for a medical treatment--takes time in a clinical trial.

However, they still starved because they were not positively free to do anything, they did not have the functioning of nourishment, nor the capability to escape morbidity.

You should be more worried about obesity, diabetes as morbidity-leaders among all categories you mentioned.

By insisting on the accuracy of the morbidity statistics of real-world minefields you're intentionally confusing the point and trying to derail the discussion.

[3] This is happening for people of all ages; life expectancy at age 40, at age 60, and at even higher ages is still rising, and all-cause mortality and morbidity declining, throughout the developed countries of the world.

Placebos are NOT effective in treating actual disease states or improving "hard endpoints" such as reduction of all-cause mortality or major morbidity from specific diseases with verifiable physiological signs.

He is studying the cardiovascular morbidity associated with hyperinsulinemia, and developing methods to evaluate and prevent this phenomenon in children.

It may be unfounded, but if relatively smart people make a bad leap of logic it is not unreasonable to imagine that less intelligent people will make the same mistake.>efforts to reduce infant mortality and morbidity, and developmental defects in early childhood by combating drug-use were misguided; and going forward those efforts should be focused on learning about and mitigating whatever the effects of impoverishment are.>efforts to reduce infant mortality and morbidity, and developmental defects in early childhood by combating drug-use were misguided;No, they weren't.

Morbidity definitions


the relative incidence of a particular disease


an abnormally gloomy or unhealthy state of mind; "his fear of being alone verges on morbidity"

See also: morbidness


the quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you

See also: unwholesomeness morbidness