Moon in a sentence as a noun

If that doesn't work, blame the phases of the moon.

I never dreamed that 2011 would come and we would never have even gone back to the moon.

"I think we're going to the moon because it's in the nature of the human being to face challenges.

She should be really proud of herself for learning that quickly, and I'm sure he's over the moon about this as a gift.

It'll keep up the current "tipping culture", discourage hoarding, and encourage us doge to trade and share, til we get to the moon.

In the lifespan of those two men, humanity went from horse-and-buggy to standing on the moon.

Gauss discovered it in the early 19th century while studying the phase of the moon, before Fourier described his transform.

Moon in a sentence as a verb

But what's the relationship between the moon's position in space and the tidal acceleration on the Earth?

On the other hand, it may certainly happen once in a blue moon that when one calls up the little copying clerk Sordini will answer himself.

You're never going to build a rocket to the moon by starting in your backyard with some sheet metal - your lifespan isn't long enough if you take that approach.

I thought his mistakes were just as interesting, because they give us a window into what life was like in 1964. Asimov predicted that moon colonies would be common by now, for example.

It's like saying "of course the moon landing is/isn't a hoax, I don't think anyone sane ever thought otherwise considering the circumstances...".It says nothing.

The moon's moving relative to the surface of the Earth; we can tell, even apart from the fact that we can see it up there, because the moon is the major contributor to the tides, and the tides rise and fall.

Moon definitions


the natural satellite of the Earth; "the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers"; "men first stepped on the moon in 1969"

See also: Moon


any object resembling a moon; "he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light"; "the clock had a moon that showed various phases"


the period between successive new moons (29.531 days)

See also: lunation


the light of the Moon; "moonlight is the smuggler's enemy"; "the Moon was bright enough to read by"

See also: moonlight moonshine Moon


United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920)

See also: Moon


any natural satellite of a planet; "Jupiter has sixteen moons"


have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake; "She looked out the window, daydreaming"

See also: daydream


be idle in a listless or dreamy way


expose one's buttocks to; "moon the audience"