Moonlight in a sentence as a noun

I was hoping this was going to be about programmers that moonlight as plumbers on the side.

No. You get the special line staffed by TSA agents who moonlight as cynical standup comedians used to dealing with hecklers.

If you want to talk non-flashy technology, I use some:* Electricity keeps me warm in winter, and lets me see things in the dark without flame or moonlight.

However, sometimes, when Halley's Comet refracts some moonlight into swamp gas and takes your fleet down, you as an operator have to do some really crazy ****.

In a separate statement, the family said: On October 14th, 2011 Abdulrahman, along with some of his tribes youth have gone barbecuing under the moonlight.

Moonlight in a sentence as a verb

A statement from Abdel-Rahmans family read, he left with some friends for dinner under the moonlight when an American missile landed, killing Abdel-Rahman and his friends.

Personal background: 10+ years as a moonlight freelancer in live concert production in addition to the two engineering universities.

See the sidebar "Five nearly-true ninja myths":"Ninja clothing was made to be light and hard to see in the dark - but jet-black would cause the form to stand out in moonlight, so a dark navy blue dye was usually used"

Things ranging from who owns your IP when you moonlight, to what are your rights when the police pull you over, to what your responsibilities as a homeowner are, to what you should consider before getting married.

Moonlight definitions


the light of the Moon; "moonlight is the smuggler's enemy"; "the Moon was bright enough to read by"

See also: moonshine Moon


work a second job, usually after hours; "The law student is moonlighting as a taxi driver"