Monetise in a sentence as a verb

How would you monetise 1 week of running code on facebook?

The title of this article should read: 'How not to monetise a blog post using advertising'

I'm really interested in how you managed to monetise your addons.

One thing that might not be totally clear in our messaging about this right now is that ads will only play against tracks premier members have chosen to monetise.

It is much easier/faster/more rewarding if you blog about something you are an expert.- Adsense is ugly but is the fastest way to monetise a blog.

Plenty of companies start out relying on 3rd party APIs and most of the time it's a happy relationship, but see what happened when the 3rd party needs monetise like Twitter did.

He's been telling us all for a while that we can monetise a mailing list, so when he builds one and starts selling a how-to-sell-via-mail on it, we shouldn't be terribly surprised.

No ******** or sensationalistic crapUnfortunately, and probably, this is the reason they didn't monetise it enough :/

I hope I'm wrong about it being a "let's tax Google" argument again: In times of change, we need creativity, out-of-the-box thinking: creative art to overcome this difficult period and creative business models to monetise the art

"But long-term this is most likely not going to be economically feasible unless Uber starts to figure out other ways to monetise this, through adding delivery fees or charging advertising fees to brands that take part in the programme.

> The other replies were mostly variations on the theme that Android users don’t pay for apps, they don’t have data plans, you can’t monetise them easily, and designers are all iPhone users and don’t really understand Android users … Socially, excluding Android users seems almost prejudicial.

Monetise definitions


give legal value to or establish as the legal tender of a country; "They monetized the lira"

See also: monetize