Mobilization in a sentence as a noun

Were negotiating to stave off the war long after Germany's decision to mobilize, and might very well have succeeded were it possible to reverse the mobilization decision. The German generals insisted it wasn't.

His campaign built it on their own, for their one race and now-built, all indications are that it's going to be wound-down or morphed into a citizen mobilization sort of effort to drive "call your congressman"-type efforts. Maybe political campaigning laws prohibit massive transfers of 'property' like that.

Rather than getting to the point where citizens have to "mobilize against" the current government, we should be seeking to self-govern in such a way that mobilization is not necessary.

It is very unlikely that even an important mobilization of citizens would change the decisions that each country will take, considering the incentives driven by the diplomatic context. And that's a genuine question, I would be interested in reading an answer.

It's basically a hex-based map with different terrains, rivers, weather changes, HQ-driven troop mobilization and combat - the rules are abstract but not overly so to uphold an enjoyable immersion. The game also employs fog of war with thick wooden standing unit pieces, which certainly adds to the excitement.

Of course - can we also agree that the US Government post WW-2, coming off the largest war-time mobilization in history, is not the same government we have today? To say that the government had a huge hand in silicon valley, and thus all government efforts to produce commerce and innovation are going to have equal results, confuses the issue.

And perhaps the "salvation through technology" set should reflect on the impact of the addition of mobilization by railroad to the diplomatic problems following the assassination of Ferdinand. Or on the confusion, to horrifying cost, of military and grand strategy by the introduction of the machine gun.

Wikipedia does not back your definition, as the Wiki entry leaves room for espionage, sabotage, and other actions that one might consider an "attack" but certainly do not force a declaration of war, mobilization of armies, etc.

From Wikipedia: >The first Five-Year plan focused on the mobilization of natural resources to build up the country's heavy industrial base by increasing output of coal, iron, and other vital resources. Despite approximately 1,000,000 deaths this process was largely successful, and caused long-term industrial growth more rapid than any country in history.

The fear is that the rate at which escalation occurs is tightening significantly, especially with regards to the mobilization of a civilian populace. It stands to reason that the rate at which escalation occurs directly correlates with the usage of violence by a government, and that the correlation is with the rate of escalation rather than the maximum level of tension.

Clearly it's anathema to a control state to have that ability in the hands of someone outside their control, so I predict some mobilization against it, from the phone "trade in" that is too good to be true to new rules and regulations about running an unattended computing device with recording capabilities.

[1][2] Fascists seek rejuvenation of their nation based on commitment to an organic national community where its individuals are united together as one people in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood through a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through discipline, indoctrination, physical education, and eugenics." The discussion is about an important issue: the increasing control of the US gov't and regulatory agencies over the free agency of US citizens.

Mobilization definitions


act of assembling and putting into readiness for war or other emergency: "mobilization of the troops"

See also: mobilisation militarization militarisation


act of marshaling and organizing and making ready for use or action; "mobilization of the country's economic resources"

See also: mobilisation