Mixture in a sentence as a noun

A mixture of cultural norms and legal norms.

" And frankly a mixture of panic and depression set in.

I always wanted to get a mixture that I could make strong enough without making it too sweet.

One of my pet peeves is people saying this about iOS. What he says is a half-truth, a mixture of two different features.

It's mortifying that this mixture of insult and irrelevance has so many upvotes.

" As a respondent to one of my questions put it "ARM is a mixture of clever ideas intermixed with a healthy dose of WTF?

In my experience, though, in the startup context for founders, the mixture is too lethal in its consequences to make it worthwhile.

Certain states will mandate minimum payout percentages, or a mixture of these that average a certain payout.

"The fact that I am not doing that is a mixture of my willingness to clean toilets to learn the craft I love and a market desperation for developers.

Dependencies are handled by a mixture of those runlevels, and scripts that are run in alphabetical order within run levels.

For both of them, the WM doesn't support correctly application fullscreen, mixture of x11 and OpenGL, and of course not correctly Xv. Accessibility has been forgotten from Unity.

I think the best mixture is shared rooms with private meeting rooms on a reservation basis, preferably with the private rooms along the windows and meeting rooms in the middle of the building.

"It's an odd mixture of feelings to read about someone who lives in the same country I do who was able to grow into adulthood without having to learn the basic rules some of us had to learn by 4th grade.

The difficulty there is that it is hard to make any mixture strong enough to mix with carbonated water, or, it is hard to carbonate by fermentation without adding significant amounts of sugar.

Mixture definitions


(chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)


any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients; "he volunteered to taste her latest concoction"; "he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade"

See also: concoction intermixture


a collection containing a variety of sorts of things; "a great assortment of cars was on display"; "he had a variety of disorders"; "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"


an event that combines things in a mixture; "a gradual mixture of cultures"


the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"

See also: commixture admixture intermixture mixing