Fermentation in a sentence as a noun

"The fermentation chamber in the machine turns water, grape concentrate, yeast and a finishing powder into wine.

Building a temperature controller fermentation chamber is something I want to do at some point.

When the brew has produced consistent measurements for 3 days, it's safe to say your fermentation period is over and the beer has reached it's Terminal Gravity.

I'm in the first month of the fermentation stage: the passion to start running 3 times a week has been building within me over the last 3-6 months, but I've gotten serious about it last month.

It would be curious then, if an idea, the fugitive fermentation of an individual brain, could, of natural right, be claimed in exclusive and stable property.

There is a chemical process to create MSG, but it is significantly more expensive; the shift to fermentation happened in the '70s, so you may never have had chemically synthesized MSG.

"Sure enough, cancer reverts to an ancient form of metabolism called fermentation, which can supply energy with little need for oxygen, although it requires lots of sugar.

A Champagne bottle is not only a sparkling wine coming from France, but from the specific Champagne region, from a limited types of grapes grown in that region and obtained using a specific fermentation process.

The difficulty there is that it is hard to make any mixture strong enough to mix with carbonated water, or, it is hard to carbonate by fermentation without adding significant amounts of sugar.

Otherwise, the law would mandate adequate fire protection for steam distillers and establish upper limits on non-ethanol fermentation products in frost-distilled products.

MSG isn't manufactured using "chemical processes"; Ajinomoto manufactures it through bacterial fermentation.

Nor do sterilized equipment, reliably dominant yeasts, clarification agents, additional sugars and yeast nutrients often required to balance or complete fermentation, or environments that maintain and/or remove suitable temperature ranges for desirable yeasts.

As frost distillation is the traditional process for going from hard cider to applejack, additional care must be taken in the fermentation step, because if the Saccharomyces are contaminated by bacteria that ferment sugars to acetone, butanols, propanols, or fusels, those contaminants will be present in the final product.

Fermentation definitions


a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced new leadership"; "social unrest"

See also: agitation ferment tempestuousness unrest


a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol

See also: zymosis zymolysis fermenting ferment