Mixer in a sentence as a noun

This evening I'll go out to a mixer and I'll throw on a nice sport coat. Clothes are tools, and you need the right tools for the job.

- A stand mixer is nice, but by no means is it Minimum Viable. - If you insist on getting a mixing bowl that isn't a regular bowl, don't get three of them.

[1]: Assuming the fund manager isn't using some kind of bitcoin mixer. If he is then that's probably a sign that something bad is going on.

They are put under great stress every year to pollinate almonds - it is the greatest bee mixer/spring break in the world. It is also how we get all the bee diseases/pests spread quickly.

A mixer's sole purpose in life is collect a fee for concealing sources of money. It's textbook money laundering.

The paths are fairly convoluted, it could be a normal user or a mixer or an internal wallet. You'd never know by design.

I was involved in the case involving Carlos 'Storm' Martinez, who is an amazing post sound mixer and a stand-up guy. I am a little perturbed to see him mentioned on the site.

My father was an audio engineer/mixer and worked with some big names. He told me a similar story that happened to him later in life when he finally owned his own studio.

The city block you're living on probably only needs one stand mixer, one waffle iron, one clothes iron. You could all just share one of these rarely-used appliances between you.

If serendipity is valuable to you as a company, throw a Wednesday afternoon mixer and expect groups to form and make something new to try out. But give them team rooms for that wednesday.

* Again regarding mixers: there is only one brand. You want a Kitchenaid. * If you're not going to bake, you can skip the mixer. * If you get a stick blender, you can get one with attachments and skip the hand mixer.

The scrambler, well, it's actually a mixer and was only meant for cakes, so it goes directly into the oven. So you put special bowls in the fridge, suck the scrambled eggs and vegetables back through the tubes, take the bowl out, store it on dropbox, and give your pan a link.

Given that they came from six different addresses, you might conclude that this is probably not a direct person-to-person trade, but went through some sort of escrow or mixer. The odd USD value might suggest non-USD, but it could easily have been $80 yesterday.

Rocket designs that were approximately equivalent to throwing your astronauts into a paint mixer. A system about which the review panel said that "If they gave us the system on a silver platter, the first thing we'd have to do is cancel it, because we couldn't afford the ongoing costs."

Meetings were one of the most confusing changes for them - they'd be waiting in the conference room with no one showing up, then a few stragglers 10 minutes after the start time, and then every stands around talking about non-work stuff like they were at a high-school mixer. One colleague asked to have them start the meeting the first few time but eventually gave up and just started doing it the American way.

Edit: to add, we were so 'disruptive' to the backdoor deals that we were uninvited from conferences, kicked off panels, not invited to the mixer events where gov buyers met providers, a couple of years later we lost our accreditation[0] temporarily until we appealed to the Government Minister. On site we would be locked out of network cabinets, not given IP information for the net connections, etc.

That's why sound engineers have physical mixer boards, writers are using pens or keyboards, artists are using Wacom tablets, nuclear physicists are staring at fine-tuning knobs, and motorcyclists are steering with bars, grips, and body positioning; but everyday people are enjoying using their ipad to perform similar tasks. Glass isn't going to wipe out physical interfaces; it's just a flexible tool in an expanding space of interaction techniques.

Mixer definitions


a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

See also: sociable social


club soda or fruit juice used to mix with alcohol


electronic equipment that mixes two or more input signals to give a single output signal


a kitchen utensil that is used for mixing foods