Serendipity in a sentence as a noun

But one of the key jobs of a startup CEO is creating serendipity, so it's something I force myself to do.

I'm not sure one way or the other, and while it's clear that Ulbright was fairly sloppy, there are a few instances of serendipity:1.

I love the serendipity of this story far more than if it were just a viral stunt on the part of Disney, U Chicago, or anyone else.

However in the world of music, inspiration and serendipity are just as important, if not more so.

We arrived at our start-up idea 10 years ago in much the way pg says you should, which was more by accident and serendipity more than anything else.

So I actively seek out a certain amount of variation and randomness, just to have more chances at those moments of serendipity that give you a really good idea.

That's the truth...while office space is cheaper in Chicago, 1871 provides the connections and "accelerated serendipity" early stage founders might need.

Social proof sounds really good until you start to think through that a lot of so called social proof actually comes from relationships built through serendipity of what school your parents could afford to send you to.

Serendipity definitions


good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries