Uniformity in a sentence as a noun

Why can't we have that uniformity for digital devices, too?

"Yes, I know you can have friend lists on Facebook, but this feature clearly embraces its uniformity.

The uniformity of their responses is too similar to ignore or dismiss.

The fluid solution, with some tricks, could easily achieve ten times better thermal uniformity than the air-cooled approach.

It certainly can help in the short run, but in the long run its the uniformity of optimizations on V8 side and general shape of your code that matters.

This is because thermal uniformity was required in order to have uniform performance across the array.

A new mom & pop coffee shop might easily out-compete the old mom & pop coffee shop across the street, but they can't offer the scale and uniformity of a Starbucks.

Our insistence on uniformity began the modern oppression of children.

There are also administrative/cost problems with individual attention that weigh in favor of uniformity.

First, this whole story of "creating the logo in a weekend" with an "intern who did some motion graphics to convey it's uniformity" is pure and simple, a publicity stunt, and a good one at that.

However, I will point out that it kind of seems like it assumes a uniformity of violence, whereas empirically speaking you always have at least one person who is just seriously dangerous either due to intoxication or mental issues combined with large stature/strength.

""The limited data retention time and lack of uniformity among retention from company to company significantly hinders law enforcement's ability to identify predators when they come across child pornography," according to a copy of Brown's remarks.

Although cubicles are often seen as being symbolic of work in a modern office setting due to their uniformity and blandness, they afford the employee a greater degree of privacy and personalization than in previous work environments, which often consisted of desks lined up in rows within an open room.

" But, to quote a fairly representative post from their forums:Any implementation needs to specifically test for uniformity with the network: Bitcoin is a distributed consensus algorithm and differences in what nodes accept or reject in the blockchain things which would be minor harmless behavioral differences in most software can often result in fatal security flaws where an attacker can move the nodes in question onto a separate fork and double-spend their funds away or partition the network.

Uniformity definitions


a condition in which everything is regular and unvarying


the quality of lacking diversity or variation (even to the point of boredom)

See also: uniformness