Meditative in a sentence as an adjective

The constant "right foot, left foot, breath in" etc becomes meditative.

> it was very Zen being the calm meditative driver Cheers for being that driver.

These are buildings designed to be quiet, meditative places, and they want you to be there all day.

Most of what makes a good shrooms trip great is spending 6 hours in nature in a somewhat meditative state.

It's meditative without entering a full alpha state.

You've probably been meditating for months, if not years, before you can keep a mindful or meditative state for an hour.

It's serene and meditative, you work outdoors, it's really energizing.

The meditative practice of yoga is an embodiment of this.• Rest and recovery.

The "four positions" of the body for meditative posture, which the early Buddhists reference, are 'lying down', 'sitting', 'standing', and 'walking'.

It's a place for quiet reflection and meditative concentration on self improvement and pursuit of happiness.

I've always found this to be a meditative-like experience - if i'm cruising down a mogul run as fast as i can the only thought in my head is where my skis are going.

If you have the skill and focus to hold a mindful, meditative state for one hour, much less 6, you will have a very potent experience-- probably much more meaningful than most drug trips.

There are walking meditations, for just one example, and one of the goals of many meditative practices is to bring that meditative mind into your daily life.

As vishaldpatel notes, the pattern resembles meditative mantras.

Imaging entering a state of meditative bliss, realizing we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves and then being interrupted with an advert for a PS4.

You’re not on TV [haven't founded a startup/haven't built a famous app/changed the world].But in the secondary America we’ve been through, of back roads, and Chinaman’s ditches, and Appaloosa horses, and sweeping mountain ranges, and meditative thoughts, and kids with pinecones and bumblebees and open sky above us mile after mile after mile, all through that, what was real, what was around us dominated.

Meditative definitions


deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";

See also: brooding broody contemplative musing pensive pondering reflective ruminative