Contemplative in a sentence as a noun

I have a habit of going out for walks specifically because it fosters this contemplative state.

Probably the biggest problem I had with it is that is discouraged contemplative reading.

But I am confused, somehow, at a violent reaction to a very contemplative perspective on death.

My perspective is that idle hands are actually idle: not building, not thinking, not active, not contemplative, not searching, not trying, not even resting.

I had a contemplative period like this as well, but figured out that we do the things we're interested in and enjoy whether we realize it or not.

I think its a beautiful cartoon - I'm just worried that it sounds so wistful, did something happen in the author's personal life to make it so contemplative?

Contemplative in a sentence as an adjective

It's a fairly short and clear article, so no need for a Tl;DR. Note that this is NOT yet another "revolutionary" announcement, but just contemplative reasoning from a respected expert in gravitational physics.

If you're a contemplative/philosophical person, especially a smart one, there's a good chance that you can tap right into people's ennui and disillusionment.

Pathologically happy in situations where sane people would be rather bummed, perhaps self-critical or contemplative?

"I almost laughed at this bit. Why not allow even more time for contemplative thought by first creating inks from scratch, using ingredients relevant to the original experience and naming each combination of colours to evoke just the right memories?

There are two main forms of meditations, with a pretty much infinite number of variations: Concentration based meditation, and contemplative meditation.

It must be seriously condescending for those trying to help someone contemplating ******* to offer such plainly specious arguments against it, especially if that person is the contemplative type.

Contemplative definitions


a person devoted to the contemplative life


deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";

See also: brooding broody meditative musing pensive pondering reflective ruminative