Massacre in a sentence as a noun

"There was also a change in protocol after the Columbine High School massacre.

Criticism is jumped on and scorned very quickly, and is a karma massacre.

But do yourself a favor: go and watch Youtube helicopter massacre that Manning uncovered.

In 2005, there was a massacre by Uzbek government forces, and the US said there ought to be an international investigation.

Lott is also the guy who predicted that Australia would become a lawless wild west with stricter gun laws in place after the Port Arthur massacre.

Testimony from friends, family and survivors of the massacre is also crucial, and witnesses are highly suggestible.

Massacre in a sentence as a verb

Running a plethora of personas[0] that harass and attack while disseminating horse-**** like the Adra massacre.

Nobody claims that anymore, since computers absolutely massacre humans.

He has participated in forums about democracy and the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, where his cousin died from a bullet wound.\nThe police tap his phone, read his email and follow him.

Would you rather wait until the very last moment, until people can't take it anymore but to rise up against the government with violence and starting a massacre, all just to remove the government?

In the Mexican drug war, rival drug warlords massacre dozens of civilians because they think they'll be used as mules by the other side; the government then come in force to try to re-establish order in the region.

Anyone else surprised by how many hugely popular apps Apple is going to **** with new Lion/iOS?I know, it'll be like the great Safari massacre all over again, where Apple singlehandedly drove Firefox and Chrome to stop releasing Mac versions.

Massacre definitions


the savage and excessive killing of many people

See also: slaughter carnage butchery


kill a large number of people indiscriminately; "The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda"

See also: slaughter