Carnage in a sentence as a noun

-1 for the disturbing picture of the biker carnage

Do they/we all have a moral obligation on the carnage brought about by these things?

And yes, that absolutely does mean that our future holds new world wars and untold carnage.

Flying in B-17's and B-52's was pretty ugly too, we just couldn't record the carnage on video.

As a bitcoin veteran, I expect carnage, always.

> It sounds vague and artsy but that's how I find it: "harmless" little ugly things add up to an aesthetic carnage.

"If we're moving back to a might-makes-right world we are doomed to a future of new world wars and untold carnage.

The poems are filled with a kind of beautiful carnage which contrasts the even tone of his delivery.

" asks the confused, surviving waiter amidst the carnage, as the panda makes towards the exit.

"> This is the kind of sentiment that ***** me. Flash is measured by the worst of its developers.> Flash is capped at 60fps in the browser so as to limit the carnage, but can run at 120+ on the desktop.

I think her questions help me see her witnessing the carnage.> Do drones increase or decrease the inevitable horrors of war?

The carnage from even a small explosion would be immense when the structure itself potentially serves as shrapnel.

At some point in the future we will look back on the era of the automobile as the era of carnage; the amount of life lost is staggering.

Much as I agree pedestrians should be looking both ways and keeping an eye out for cars...Can we please stop blaming the victims?The main way to stop the carnage is to change our infrastructure.

Even if the systems are mostly automated and pictures have a higher resolution, provided that the person/analyst/commander behind the screen is a somewhat sane and intelligent member of society, the psychological tolls might be worse when you're experiencing carnage thru relative safety.

Even the visual and auditory carnage of MySpace was preferable to the cookie-cutter sameness of Facebook, helpfully tracking your every single move before you even think to make it, and broadcasting the mundane minutiae of everyday existence to all your "friends".I used to love Google when it first came out, it beat the pants off Alta Vista and it was a fantastic way to extract cool links from the vastness of the 'net.

Carnage definitions


the savage and excessive killing of many people

See also: slaughter massacre butchery