Malevolence in a sentence as a noun

That's just envious malevolence and I can't support it.

But lazy malevolence is still not the same as hacker culture, if such a thing even exists as a singular concept.

Their orcish appearance was meant to evoke malevolence, brutishness and aggression - not greed or "Jewishness".

I didn't mean to imply malevolence, rather misaligned incentives.

These middlemen are actually delaying, redacting, and muddling specific technical facts on the current state of NSA's malevolence that would be quite nice for us to know.

Usually, when I read a comment like this, I click through the profile looking for other terrible comments to flag, and usually when I do that, I end up wading through a cistern of **** and malevolence.

...except the GP provided no rational state objective for this except insinuating general malevolence as perceived by the Chinese government.

However, I see no reason to assume Gates Foundation having any malevolence, especially since they're literally giving away their own money to improve the world long-term.

> I bet Cash4Gold has a ton of friendly ethical people working the lower ranksWhat you did there is the anti-thesis to my point though: if your job requires you to make specific decisions that you feel are hurting others, you are not absolved of that malevolence just because of "corporate culture".

- Typically companies are responsible for errors committed by their employees, unless there is malevolence/criminal intent/criminal negligence...- The lawsuit suggests Uber is at least partly at fault, because the app is distracting, and Mr. Muzaffar takes the "fall" for Uber's distracting app.

The two boys had the open, joyous, friendly confidence of kittens who do not expect to get hurt, they had an innocently natural, non-boastful sense of their own value and as innocent a trust in any stranger's ability to recognize it, they had the eager curiosity that would venture anywhere with the certainty that life held nothing unworthy of or closed to discovery, and they looked as if, should they encounter malevolence, they would reject it contemptuously, not as dangerous, but as stupid, they would not accept it in bruised resignation as the law of existence.

Malevolence definitions


wishing evil to others

See also: malignity


the quality of threatening evil

See also: malevolency malice