Biotic in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds little like the pro-biotic movement, to me.

The first as has been amply described by the author is the flat over use of anti-biotics where they are not needed.

Then in slices the gel had anti-biotics dissolved in it in higher concentrations.

In the middle they could not dissolve any more anti-biotic, they had reached the solubility level.

That's why you take a pro-biotic after going through a round of anti-biotics - you need to re-grow your gut flora to aid in proper digestion.

If that doesn't encourage the evolution of anti-biotic resistant strains of bacteria, I don't know what would.

I even described to a doctor how a particular anti biotic works, and why the one he is giving regularly to patients is not working.

I think the bigger concern here isn't the risk of food poisoning from the meat, it's that we're literally forcing billions of animals to take antibiotics daily.

Turns out its a stable population that is fairly resistant to biotic and abiotic inputs... Just let the biology figure it out.

Make sure you supplement your Iftar goodies with some replenishing nutrients such as pro-biotic yogurt smoothies rich in vitamin C and home-cooked chicken consomme.

The critical transition was a rapid warmcoldwarm fluctuation in climate between 14,300 and 11,000 yr ago, and the most pronounced biotic changes occurred between 12,900 and 11,300 yr ago24,27,30,54.

I wonder if they are going to try a diet + anti-biotic treatment, diet + placebo trial on two obese patients to see if it improves their chances to get back into a regular balance.

It is not necessarily true that the current extinction is the only one caused by a particular species, and anyway it's almost certainly not the only one with a biotic cause.

> undergone a regimen of heavy anti-biotic medicine, only to have digestive problemsThey have, recently, started to understand how that happens[1][2].

We are still looking for the Great Filter, and if Titan is still viably pre-biotic but lifeless, it would point to the optimisitc outlook that life is less common than thought and that the filter may actually be in our past.

Absolutely, using them on a massive scale in sub therapeutic doses is what you would do if you wanted to create an evolutionary pressure towards antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Doxycycline, for example, is a broad-spectrum anti-biotic that has been around for decades, is cheap and readily available and has been successful at slowing or regressing tumors.

If they chop the trees down for lumber, as seems to be the destiny for all tropical forests, the soil will dry, and microbes will be able to start decomposing the biotic material currently locked up in an anaerobic environment.

I have seen articles linking anti-biotic resistance and biofilms to high acidity and seen research that biofilms can be broken up and anti-biotic resistance reversed if acidity is addressed.

In contrast, the geological record contains long-term evidence for a variety of global environmental perturbations, including ocean acidification plus their associated biotic responses.

The major biotic changes were the extinction of about half of the species of large-bodied mammals, several species of large birds and reptiles, and a few species of small animals30; a significant decrease in local and regional biodiversity as geographic ranges shifted individualistically, which also resulted in novel species assemblages37,49,53,54; and a global increase in human biomass and spread of humans to all continents27.

Biotic definitions


of or relating to living organisms