Loins in a sentence as a noun

You coined the term "loins of great fortitude".

"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.

At some point, Google just needs to gird their loins and bring the banhammer down.

For the curious:Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.

I have more recent books, but this is the one that taught me to gird my coding loins for a fight.

For kicks I am going to over clock and need to know if I should gird my loins for delidding.

Acts of great bravery are said to require loins of great fortitude, viz.

Farm workers are literally filling their lungs with ash and smoke to feed the fruits of your loins.

> Computers are not smart enough yet to understand why "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.

Or if they wanted to gird their loins / show their work a bit more, maybe something like 'scammers with Indian IP addresses.

The loins share of human suffering in the developed world stems from people in ability to be the person they aspire to be.

We must gird our loins to encounter the Nemesis of seven centuries’ misgovernment.

Only an absolute monster would shove a corpse part in the loins of a new mother but they were effectively doing the same thing when even stray cuts could ****.

Many of us "older people" were skilfully using the internet to find things out before most millenials were twinkles in their parent's loins.

]" The star wept rose-colored in the heart of your ears, The infinite rolled white from your nape to your loins The sea turned ruddy at your vermilion nipples And Man bled black on your sovereign flank.

Moreover, I can continuously track the temperature of upwards of 100 pieces of different types of meat and fowl, 5 or 6 venison loins, 15 veal chops, 25 pieces of filet, 25 pieces of rack of lamb, ect.

Loins definitions


the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs

See also: pubes


the region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen