Locker in a sentence as a noun

If they are common carrier, locker in the sky. Great.

If you had an ad-blocker installed, the site was almost too good to be true.

In middle school, I brought firecrackers to school and set them off deliberately in some other kids locker.

It used to be acceptable to have a topless woman on a calendar in your locker at the factory.

Right now if you search "secure sms" in the Android Play Store, the first result is not TextSecure, but 100 results for apps with names like "extreme SMS locker pro!

>Imagine a guy gets passed the key to a storage locker by his friends, and is told that the storage locker holds stolen trade secrets, credit cards, etc.

I used it tons of times because it was so convenient and the free service was much better than any of the other file-locker services.

Ask yourself this: Would any of those people think twice about violating my privacy?My high school had no qualms about searching my locker or my bag.

I use Evernote as a replacement for paper sticky-notes, whereas Evernote seems to be a replacement for a locker full of course notebooks.

If providing that gang access to that locker is illegal then homeboy here has certainly "aided & abetted" in that behavior,...It isn't illegal.

The really interesting thing is that this indicates that Amazon really is copying the bits around to everyone's locker, rather than just saying "user x has rights to song y".

Also some near misses - I was assigned a locker in the girls locker room in junior high but they caught on before I could use it, and once a telemarketer called to offer me a spot in an all woman's resort spa.

Students, in general, have fewer rights in a school, and are subject to search without due cause, so, from a legal perspective, not much leg to stand on.And I have always had extreme problems with this, particularly when it comes to things like random locker searches.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

What I don't really get here, is how is storing data in a cloud service any different, from the legal perspective, from a safety deposit box at a bank or a storage locker in a public storage location?The paradigm seems very similar - I go to a service provider, pay them money to give me certain amount of private space, put my stuff there, lock it with a key and go on my merry way.

Locker definitions


a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock

See also: cabinet


a fastener that locks or closes


a trunk for storing personal possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)

See also: footlocker