Localize in a sentence as a verb

When there are ideas up for grabs in the US, why not just take it and localize it.

This would localize thermal effects to a single tube and prevent propagation up and down the system.

What an opportunity for you, if you have local market knowledge and can clone & localize the concept.

Perhaps adding: lang="fr" to the input element or even the tag, could localize the input?The date picker runs from 01-01-0001 to 13-9-275760.

You couldn't even begin to localize templates like this without rewriting them.

It's the same reason why we still have beep codes and LED status indicators on our motherboards: You don't need to localize Fur Elise.

There is no need to register domain under every possible country domain you could localize.

Every year, 700 foreign investors make a decision to localize job and value creating investments in France.

I like neuroscience a whole lot, so, until the Ativan kicked in, I was rapidly going through my symptoms and trying to localize them to a region of my brain.

It can be summarized as"Original author didn't localize dependencies, obviously caused problems.

I wouldn't argue against using a formatting string in general, but the printf style order-based formatting strings are really bad once you need to localize your app and have to support languages with different word order.

"Original author didn't localize dependencies, obviously caused problems.

If github were localized, it would most likely contribute to more non-english repos since the author would be less inclined to give it any thought.- It would require a lot of extra effort on githubs side to, first of all localize it, but also to keep it updated and correct.

Localize definitions


identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"

See also: place localise


concentrate on a particular place or spot; "The infection has localized in the left eye"

See also: localise focalize focalise


restrict something to a particular area

See also: localise


locate; "The film is set in Africa"

See also: localise place