Localise in a sentence as a verb

You don't have to localise it properly, just garble the text.

It'd probably do to just use _any_ localised app.

If you are interested to localise for Russia, let me know.

A few x-rays later I managed to localise them and with the help of a colleague, dug them out with a needle.

Google often errors by 100 kilometers when trying to localise me, so local search is a pity.

It also means it is usually impossible to localise a website based on the TLD alone.

It gets even more awkward when its not just output: weve got a refine-by-height range slider in our system that Im having to localise.

Nothing more wrong: with only two ear we would not perceive height, and people deaf of one ear certainly do not "hear in 1D".In fact we localise sound because of- The shape of our ears.

Now, we understand in a closed area watched by several nations and operating by clear weather, they can't effectively localise one big civilian aircraft?

Surely these advanced operating system environments allow you to localise decimal separators?

So maybe the campaign by the utilities against feeding power to the grid is going to have the effect of pushing everyone to localise their power needs even further, and instead of pushing excess to an ageing, antiquated monopoly, us alternative-energy freaks are instead going to foster the creation of a heftier market for battery-protected devices.

Localise definitions


identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"

See also: place localize


concentrate on a particular place or spot; "The infection has localized in the left eye"

See also: localize focalize focalise


restrict something to a particular area

See also: localize


locate; "The film is set in Africa"

See also: localize place