Leprechaun in a sentence as a noun

Do I have a singing purple leprechaun on my desk?

Lucky as a little green leprechaun!Yea, if you have met all those conditions, then that approach may work for you.

By analogy the AI is a leprechaun or a genie that will give you what you asked for but in a way that could do you harm.

In the overlapping space of these three circles, you'll find this guy, and a very confused leprechaun riding a unicorn.

It's like claiming that every element of the empty set is a leprechaun with a pot of gold -- it's true, but it doesn't matter in any meaningful sense.

For example, a dwarf is far more likely than a non-dwarf to land a role as a dwarf, a christmas elf, a leprechaun, or a villain's creepy little minion.

As a fellow Irishman I agree, it could work very well with tourists too, a drinking tour of Dublin where you have to solve the leprechaun's riddles markets itself!

However, like someone mentioned, they will need more good luck than a leprechaun with a rabbit foot keychain if they are going to bring true innovation to the federal government.

Ostensibly, the political turn should have turned on leprechaun economics.

I'm sure it's something new and complex, like a ferret or a leprechaun got into the 7th backup power switch which overloaded this and that.. as usual something impressively difficult to plan for, but come on!

Given that you see a jacket with a buxom woman in a skimpy dress being embraced by a leprechaun with Fabio-pecs, would you assume that this fact has no predictive value with regards to the question "Is this, in fact, a quality work of literature?

My favorite phrase in this article was "four-dimensional enraged-leprechaun hypercube visualization".

Leprechaun definitions


a mischievous elf in Irish folklore