Leech in a sentence as a noun

It's a leech sucking on resources all of us need.

These rags exist purely to leech and hijack traffic and that defines more than just their headlines.

If you have strong will then you keep your brain on leech and treat it as a pleasure you consume time to time in limitations.

So basically you live like a leech or a hobo, bumming on other peoples couches.

If I remember correctly I can't even commentI gave up trying to contribute and I now only leech.

VCs are leeching off the US government, the universities of China and India, the high tech workers here etc.

Sometimes they **** the store/restaurant/company but if the customer base is large enough they just leech off the customers.

Leech in a sentence as a verb

RMS actively opposes the term "open source" because it's less free than his "free software" definition, the success of which he considers OSI to leech on.

In America, if you are not working a job and receiving a salary, you are seen as a leech, a useless appendage and worthless drain on society.

They both leech off of publicly funded research and impede scientific and technological progress with their myriad paywalls.

Having a leech trying to bleed out every cent as soon as it's made is not generally a good thing unless your company throws off wads of unneeded cash like nobody's business.

The worship of this guy in tech circles astonishes me; he comes across as the prototypical managerial leech while Wozniak comes across as the selfless genius.

This is why Larry talks it up, not because he's much concerned about users being held 'hostage', but rather he wants an easy way to leech users from facebook into Google+Next is the idea of 'choice', Google often paints their competitors as giving their users less choice.

Yes, the government is the most evil thing in the history of evil, there is no such thing as a justified law, and this is just the parasites trying to leech off of and get power over the brilliant Galt-like geniuses whose intelligence was so inestimably massive that they apparently consciously filed a legal form that said "oh, that thing that we do and advertise that we do?

Leech definitions


carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worms typically having a sucker at each end

See also: bloodsucker hirudinean


a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage

See also: parasite sponge sponger


draw blood; "In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment"

See also: bleed phlebotomize phlebotomise