Bloodsucker in a sentence as a noun

Google has become a bloodsucker on the economy. You and I are the ones paying in higher goods and services costs passed on to us.

Can't help every bum, can't shut down every evil bloodsucker. Life feels so meaningless when the moles just keep popping up as you hit them.

In-house development simply doesn't have the kind of indirection where the bloodsuckers can get in.

If anyone is a friend of Google, it's me, because I've drawn light upon the managerial bloodsuckers that have been working to destroy the place.

I'm sorry, but the people who claim the one true method is keeping the programmers locked in the basement without real world input or feedback are the bloodsuckers.

Regardless of Spotify or not, Apple has become a state of the art bloodsucker while delivering flat out products. Making the switch to Android has never been more convenient.

This meme of "Paul Graham the cult leader, the exploiter, the bloodsucker" is fascinating. It's really something to watch it evolve as people divorce further and further from reality.

I can't wait to learn who will replace those mosquitos in the "human bloodsucker and malaria whatever else> spreader" niche. I'm sure it will be very polite and tender creation doing it quickly and painlessly ...

Of course it leads to an arms race, but maybe we'll eradicate those mid-summer bloodsuckers while we're at it. Drone proliferation, military and civil, is unavoidable.

I'm pissed off about it because Java is basically cool technology but the culture is infected with these bloodsuckers who give it a bad name and do nothing for advancing the state of the language and ecosystem.

And after reading your entry I viewed the photos of all these bloodsuckers and ethical CEOs enjoying Sean Parker's dbag-fuelled taxidermy party at Davos. Morality and ethics don't count for anything in a contemporary society where punishment for misdeeds exists only for those who cannot afford to buy their freedom.

I'm pissed off about it because Java is basically cool technology but the culture is infected with these bloodsuckers who give it a bad name and do nothing for advancing the state of the language and ecosystem. I'm interested in what you like about Java, and how Spring has blocked it's advancement; that's one **** of a big claim, but you haven't done anything to support your assertions other than make some broad and sweeping statements that aren't backed by any real reasoning.

Bloodsucker definitions


carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worms typically having a sucker at each end

See also: leech hirudinean